Here's a look at our three-page spread in today's Dallas Morning News travel section. The Best of Texas BBQ project was published in print and online on and the DMN iPad app.

Dallas Morning News editor Bob Mong shared his thoughts on the Posse in his weekly note to the readers published in today's paper:

I can always stop by photo editor Chris Wilkins’ desk and catch up on the top visual journalism of the day.

On many weekends, though, Chris joins the posse — the Texas BBQ Posse, that is. For years, Chris and a group of Dallas Morning News journalists and friends have searched out top Texas barbecue joints. The posse has logged more than 5,000 miles since 2009. There is a website ( populated with critiques, photos and video.

“On tours,” says reporter Gary Jacobson, “if we run into a place that is off the main highway, has a homemade sign and is belching lots of wood smoke, we’ll probably stop.”

The posse’s standards are fussy. The joint must cook with wood. The posse rates only brisket, pork ribs and sausage. “The meat never lies,” contends editor Bruce Tomaso.

Turn to the Sunday Travel section for a full account of the posse’s latest 700-mile trek. You will find their six favorite establishments. Go online at or to our iPad app to find more about the people and places the posse encountered along the way.

“While our pursuit of good barbecue is serious,” Gary says, “our main goal always has been to have fun.”

Click here to see the DMN iPad package showing our picks for the Best in Texas BBQ.

Click here to see the story and links on the DMN Travel section of

C. Brown

12 years ago

Love the search and great list..but it looks like you guys left off a few spots on your list for review that would have made a difference in your top spots like Stiles Switch BBQ & Brew, LA BBQ, and JSM Meats in Austin. Keep on searching guys!

Chris Wilkins

12 years ago

Thanks much for your comment C. Brown. Stiles Switch,, LA BBQ, and JSM are definitely on our radar, but we felt they needed to be around a little longer before we included them. JSM wasn't even open yet when we toured & LA only has four or so months with John Lewis at the helm. The bigger picture is how amazing the Austin BBQ scene is becoming. This might be the most exciting time in real Texas BBQ, i.e.: wood burning joints only, in many years......

Rob Beswick-Davison

12 years ago

Hey guys, love the idea of a tour where you skip the sides and just eat the meat! My question would be why do you only do the tour over 48 hours, wouldn't it make more sense to eat a full meal at each of these places and judge based on a whole meal rather than a small portion? Would love to travel to Texas someday to taste some REAL BBQ (I am an Australian). Maybe you could invite me over as an honorary BBQ Posse member?

Chris Wilkins

12 years ago

Great questions Rob.... BTW I remember fondly when I was in Australia covering the 2000 Sydney Olympics and we ate kangaroo & crocodile on a daily basis at the media village. Would like to introduce that to my Texas BBQ friends!

When it comes to full meals, I guess we've been obsessed with trying & judging the meats only. We know we've missed some great sides along the way, no doubt. At some point when we've been to most of the decent places in the state we'll probably do that. However, I can promise you this: make the trip from the Land Down Under we will not only grant you Posse membership, but we'll take you on a tour you'll never forget! Cheers/Chris

Austin Top 5 plus Snow's

Texas BBQ Posse eBook Let the Meat Speak for Itself

Texas BBQ Posse eBook CTA 336x280

Texas BBQ Posse eBook Let the Meat Speak for Itself

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