Tejas Chocolate Craftory

Briskets cook at a steady 225-degrees on the smoker at Tejas Chocolate Craftory. (Photo ©Chris Wilkins/Texas BBQ Posse)

Over the years, the Posse has seen — and used — many guides to smoking times and temperatures for barbecue.

This chart from the folks at Bro BBQ is one of the most comprehensive we’ve run into. It includes seafood and a couple veggies as well as beef, pork, lamb, and poultry.

It comes to us from Jack Thompson, the founder of BroBBQ.com, who said he was looking for information on barbecue recipes when he ran into our post from a while ago about smoking brisket in your backyard.

“Great stuff!,” Thompson wrote in an email.

Thanks, Jack.

He then said he was trying to get his smoking times and temps infographic in front of as many eyes as he could and he wondered if we would help.

Yes, we will. Barbecue is, indeed, a brotherhood.

“To us, every BBQ attempt is a learning experience,” Thompson writes on Bro BBQ’s Web site. “It teaches us to be patient, humble, spontaneous, and sociable.”

We agree.

Here is Thompson’s graphic, posted courtesy of BroBBQ.com.

Smoking Times and Temperatures Chart




6 years ago

Hi guys, Just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your blog and am going to pop you in my top 5 list of best meat smoking blogs on my site https://www.projectsmoked.com/ It will come out end of the next month. Check it out on the 28th Aug. Thanks!

Chris Wilkins

6 years ago

Hi Gerry: Thanks for the kudos and appreciate the post. Will keep an eye out and will promo you story when you publish. Look forward to reading your website! Cheers/Chris

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Texas BBQ Posse eBook Let the Meat Speak for Itself

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Texas BBQ Posse eBook Let the Meat Speak for Itself

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