In a Hyden brothers barbecue showdown, Kirby wins with his brisket
Randy Hyden (top) of Hyden Family Barbeque in Teague and brother Kirby Hyden of Kirby's Barbeque in Mexia.(Photos ©Chris Wilkins/Texas BBQ Posse) You could call them The BBQ Brothers. In fact, we will. Kirby and Randy Hyden, once business partners with a long family tradition of barbecue, now operate separate joints about 15 miles apart. Kirby runs Kirby's Barbeque in Mexia and Randy has Hyden Family Barbeque in Teague. The Posse first ate at Kirby's in the summer of 2013 during a tour of Central Texas places that didn't include Randy's. Ever since, we've wanted to return and rectify that…